Life in the Pandemic

The last 10 months of living in a worldwide health pandemic created major lifestyle changes for everyone. We are unable to gather with family and friends or worship together. Many loved ones have been ill, many more have died, and grief is part of our daily life. The economic impact on many folks has been extremely devastating. We have seen social injustice played out daily. Now we have civil unrest once again in our country, family, and friends standing against each other. 

Spiritually many are feeling isolated, tried, and seeking a way out of the grief and chaos. We want our lives to return to normal and we are not sure what normal is other than what we have at this moment, sorrow, grief, or despair. In our humanness, we want someone to fix it, whatever it is. This can all lead us to discord within. This discord flows out, spreading discord in the family. 

Wisdom tells us this cycle of unrest within continues the cycle of unrest in the outer. We must all be aware of our own inner thoughts, striving to create balance and harmony within. As a spiritual community, spiraling through chaos, hurt and misunderstandings prior to the start of the pandemic, let us stand in our Truth Principles. We know there is only One Source in the universe. This source - Spirit, God, Universal Energy, whatever you chose to name it - is only good. All the despair within us, within our beloved community, and within the world is part of our spiritual journey and will make us stronger more resilient.  

We stand together in Oneness, using our imagination and power to heal ourselves to create a community whose mission is to transform ourselves and the world through love, healing, and service. This is our Truth, which will allow our community to rise above, and continue to attract like-minded folks. There is a lot of work to be done. We invite you to join in healing the discord. Say yes, and volunteer to manifest the path of our beloved community to be Louisville’s favorite and most beloved spiritual center. 


Rev. Valerie Mansfield